Dr Jeff Carroll, PhD
Editor Emeritus
Boston, USA
Jeff is an Associate Professor in the Department of Neurology at the University of Washington, Seattle, USA. Throughout his academic career, Jeff’s focus has been on better understanding, and ultimately trying to help treat, patients with Huntington’s Disease. In 2003, genetic testing revealed that Jeff had inherited a mutant copy of the Huntington’s disease gene from his mother, which means that in the absence of new treatments, he will eventually develop symptoms. In addition to his work in the lab, Jeff is deeply involved in rare disease community work. In 2011, he founded HDBuzz, the first internet news platform for HD patients and their families worldwide.

Articles edited by Dr Jeff Carroll
- Regulating repetition: Gaining control of CAG repeats could slow progression of Huntington’s disease
- Tipping the balance; new insights into HD genetic modifiers
- Updates from PTC Therapeutics and uniQure on their huntingtin-lowering trials
- Start here!
- Disappointing news from Novartis about branaplam and the VIBRANT-HD trial
- Sad news from Novartis: dosing suspended in VIBRANT-HD trial of branaplam
- A spoonful of branaplam helps the huntingtin go down
- “Seeing” the toxic huntingtin protein in people with HD
- Updates from the EHDN Meeting 2021
- Real talk: Q&A with Roche about GENERATION-HD1
- Unpacking recent gene therapy press
- Does blood hold the key to testing treatments earlier in HD patients?
- Good news from uniQure: gene therapy trial on track, and promising data in animals
- Working as a team: Changes in brain development mean some brain regions may be slacking off
- HD Young Adult Study defines the sweet spot: symptom-free with measurable changes
- Huntington’s disease therapeutics conference 2020 - Day 2
- Screening the entire genome for new drug targets for HD
- The third dimension: using minibrains to understand brain development changes in HD
- First Dolly, now Piglet; a new Huntington’s disease pig knock-in model confirmed
- HDSA’s Q&A on the latest huntingtin-lowering update from Ionis and Roche
- Exciting Experiments in "Open Science" by Huntington's Researchers
- Huntington's disease therapeutics conference 2018 - day 1
- Ask the expert: Q&A on the huntingtin-lowering trial program
- New roles for huntingtin: removing a healthy protein to understand its function
- A step forward for gene editing: CRISPR-Cas9 and HD
- Huntington's Disease Therapeutics Conference 2017 - Day 3
- Huntington's Disease Therapeutics Conference 2017 - Day 2
- Enemy at the gates – huntingtin disrupts nuclear transport
- Sheep leading the flock: metabolism and biomarkers in HD
- Huntingtin grabs a hammer: DNA repair in HD
- Pfizer Amaryllis trial ends in disappointment: no improvement in Huntington's disease symptoms
- Important advances in next generation genome editing tools for Huntington's Disease
- Ultra-rare mutations highlight the importance of the HD gene in brain development
- A support system gone wrong - glial cells contribute to HD symptoms
- Planting trees together: The 2016 Huntington's Disease Society of America Convention
- Huntingtin takes a trip: harmful proteins pass between brain cells
- Important drug targets yielded by new genetic study of HD
- Huntington's Disease Therapeutics Conference 2016 - day 1
- Through a Broader Lens: Looking at Non-Motor Symptoms in HD
- Looking Past the Spin: Results from a Clinical Trial of Cysteamine
- A recycled drug gives us new insight in to HD
- Through the eyes of a friend: changes in mood and behavior in early HD
- Mapping the anatomy of HD: a whole-brain history
- HDBuzz primer: Clinical trial designs and phases
- A Few Bad Seeds: Using Brain Fluid to Grow Clumps in Brain Cells
- New tool to measure outcomes in Huntington’s Disease clinical trials
- Switching it up: variety in the HD gene affects symptom onset
- Lighting the way: A new biomarker for Huntington’s disease
- Building a Better Mouse(trap): A New Model of Huntington’s Disease
- 2015 Huntington's Disease Therapeutics Conference: Day 1
- Drug Improves Huntington’s Symptoms in Mice – and Their Offspring
- mTORC1 tips the scales in Huntington’s disease mice
- Largest creatine clinical trial for Huntington's disease halted after 'futility' analysis
- EuroBuzz 2014 Video, day one
- EuroBuzz 2014: day three
- EuroBuzz 2014: day one
- Illuminating the progression of Huntington’s disease
- Sleep, cilia and HD
- Huntington's Disease Therapeutics Conference 2014: day 3
- Huntington's Disease Therapeutics Conference 2014: day 1
- Joint HDBuzz Prizewinner: Yeast studies suggest a new way to protect cells from 'oxidative damage'
- Joint HDBuzz Prizewinner: Pennies for your neurons — copper’s bad influence on Huntington’s disease
- Is a new Huntington’s Disease drug study on the right Trk?
- More evidence points to Huntington's disease exercise benefit
- New study sheds light on regional degeneration in HD
- Buzzilia Video: Day 2
- What the 'big neurodegeneration breakthrough' means for Huntington's disease
- Video feature: Huntington's disease research... in space!
- 'Buzzilia' from the Huntington's Disease World Congress: day 3
- 'Buzzilia' from the Huntington's Disease World Congress: day 1
- Coming soon from the 2013 Huntington's Disease World Congress: Buzzilia!
- Could muscle problems help explain movements in Huntington’s Disease patients?
- The 2013 HDBuzz Prize for Young Science Writers
- Does a 'rusty hinge' cause Huntington's disease?
- A DNA repair protein modifies the stability of long CAG tracts in the Huntington's disease gene
- Landmark study puts Huntington's disease trials on TRACK
- HD Therapeutics Conference 2013 Updates: Day 2
- Major Roche-Isis deal boosts Huntington's disease gene silencing
- No surprises in published results from HART study of Huntexil for Huntington's disease
- The University of New Orleans has NOT discovered a cure for Huntington's disease
- Prominent Huntington's disease researcher "fabricated data" in grant applications
- Calming down the immune system helps Huntington's disease mice
- Giving Huntington's disease the finger? Two teams report success for zinc-finger drugs in cells and mice
- Interview: Alice and Nancy Wexler
- Video: What’s new in Huntington's disease research 2012
- EuroBuzz Video: Day 1
- EuroBuzz News: Day 2
- Coming Soon: EuroBuzz 2012
- Does the HD mutation affect children's growth?
- Phosphodiesterase inhibitors: new HD drugs entering trials soon
- Interview: CHDI's scientific team
- The HDBuzz Prize for young science writers
- Closing the care gap: new guidelines for HD care
- Stem-cell neurons make the right connections
- 2012 Therapeutics Conference: a retrospective
- Mutant yeast highlights crucial CAG-reading protein
- HD Therapeutics Conference 2012 Updates: Day 2
- Coming soon: HD Therapeutics Conference 2012
- New analysis suggests 'small' CAG length doesn't matter after all
- HDYO! Huntington's Disease Youth Organization goes live
- Double success for huntingtin RNAi gene silencing
- Bone marrow transplantation in Huntington's Disease
- 2011 - a year in Huntington's disease research
- HDAC inhibitor drug protects memory in HD mice
- TRACK-HD reveals changes in HD mutation carriers, empowering future trials
- Huntexil hits the headlines again
- Safety trials add crucial piece to gene silencing jigsaw
- Melatonin treatment success in HD mice
- HDAC inhibitors and a possible 'blood biomarker'
- Prana Biotech's new trial of PBT2 in Huntington's disease: the lowdown
- Oz Buzz Video: Day 1
- Oz Buzz Updates: Day 2
- Stand By for Oz Buzz
- Ten golden rules for reading a scientific news story
- Protein-folding drug helps HD mice... for a while
- A back-to-front hidden message in the HD gene?
- Coming soon from the HD World Congress: Oz Buzz!
- Therapeutics conference videos now online
- Caffeine, cannabis and caution
- Huntexil update: EMA asks for further trial
- KMO inhibitor drug improves lifespan of Huntington's disease mice
- 'Floating' gene-silencing drugs into the brain with exosomes
- Chubby mice reveal the importance of the hypothalamus in Huntington's disease
- The genetic 'gray area' of Huntington's disease: what does it all mean?
- Gene silencing for HD: the story so far
- Interview: Graeme Bilbe, Global Head for Neuroscience at Novartis
- CHDI Report: Day 2
- HDBuzz takes your questions to the annual therapeutics meeting of CHDI
- Welcome to HDBuzz
- Frequently asked questions, January 2011
- Is Huntington’s disease twice as common as we thought?
- Huntexil for symptoms of Huntington's disease: where are we now?
- Minocycline: the end of the road?
Articles written by Dr Jeff Carroll
- Start here!
- Forward momentum for Roche and Wave in latest news about huntingtin-lowering trials
- Hereditary Disease Foundation (HDF) conference 2022 – Day 3
- Oral drug may change the story for huntingtin lowering
- Huntington’s disease therapeutics conference 2021 - Day 1
- Huntington's disease therapeutics conference 2021 - Day 2
- Sad News from Roche and Ionis - ASO Trial Halted Early
- Vaccines and HD
- Sad news from the SIGNAL study: pepinemab does not influence HD symptoms
- Unpacking Wave's PRECISION-HD2 huntingtin-lowering trial announcement
- Exciting new Huntingtin lowering tool described
- Fresh Updates from First Huntingtin Lowering Study Publication
- An Updated Trial Design for Roche's Huntingtin Lowering Trial
- When interrupting is good: genetic hiccups that protect against Huntington's disease
- Huntington's disease therapeutics conference 2019 - Day 3
- Huntington's disease therapeutics conference 2019 - Day 2
- Huntington's disease goes viral as UniQure inches ahead in gene therapy race
- Advances on many fronts in the battle against the protein that causes Huntington's disease
- Roche announces details of its 'pivotal' huntingtin-lowering study
- Disappointing news from LEGATO-HD trial of laquinimod in Huntington's disease
- HDBuzz Enrolls in Enroll-HD
- New collaboration seeks to speed Huntington's disease drug licensing
- Huntington's disease therapeutics conference 2018 - day 3
- Huntington's disease therapeutics conference 2018 - day 2
- An early role for the Huntington's disease gene – but don't believe all the headlines
- New interest in an old target
- Success! ASO drug reduces levels of mutant protein in Huntington's disease patients
- A new way of thinking about trials to prevent Huntington's disease
- Update confirms Huntington's disease 'gene silencing' trial on track
- Huntington's Disease Therapeutics Conference 2017 - Day 2
- Huntington's Disease Therapeutics Conference 2017 - Day 1
- FDA approves a new drug for symptoms of Huntington's disease
- A powerful message: does a toxic RNA message molecule cause harm in Huntington's disease?
- Sorry folks, the PRIDE-HD trial did NOT show that Pridopidine slows the progression of Huntington's disease
- EuroBuzz 2016: The Euro-HD Network Meeting in The Hague
- Slightly long CAG repeats are more common than we thought
- Planting trees together: The 2016 Huntington's Disease Society of America Convention
- How NOT to write a news article about a clinical trial
- Huntington's Disease Therapeutics Conference 2016 - day 2
- Huntington's Disease Therapeutics Conference 2016 - day 3
- Could a new "jaw-dropping" breakthrough help treat Huntington's Disease?
- Liftoff: First humans treated with gene silencing drugs for HD!
- HDBuzz primer: Clinical trial designs and phases
- Huge study reveals new 'genetic modifiers' of Huntington's disease
- 2015 Huntington's Disease Therapeutics Conference: Day 3
- 2015 Huntington's Disease Therapeutics Conference: Day 2
- Can this synthetic oil help feed the brain in Huntington's disease?
- Positive results announced for re-worked tetrabenazine drug in Huntington's disease
- Should we worry about a huntingtin invasion?
- EuroBuzz 2014 Video, day two
- EuroBuzz 2014: day two
- New results bring BDNF therapies into focus
- 2CARE study of coenzyme Q for Huntington's disease ends in disappointment
- HD mice provide a useful failure
- Jumping genes: Huntington's disease protein invades brain transplants
- The brain in Huntington's disease: greater than the sum of its parts?
- Could HD be caused by amino acid deficiency?
- Raptor announces results of cysteamine trial for Huntington's disease
- Huntington's Disease Therapeutics Conference 2014: day 2
- Prana announces results of Reach2HD trial of PBT2 for Huntington's disease
- Does high-dose creatine "slow the onset" of Huntington's Disease?
- Could a 'brain shuttle' get Huntington's disease drugs to where they're needed?
- Buzzilia Video: Day 3
- The sweet lowdown: Huntington's disease brains use sugar differently
- Buzzilia Video: Day 1
- 'Buzzilia' from the Huntington's Disease World Congress: day 4
- 'Buzzilia' from the Huntington's Disease World Congress: day 2
- Can sad mice help treat Huntington's disease?
- Proposed Huntington's disease 'biomarker' is not useful, new study suggests
- HD Therapeutics Conference 2013 Updates: Day 3
- HD Therapeutics Conference 2013 Updates: Day 1
- Liver changes in Huntington's disease patients suggest more 'whole body' research needed
- Prana Biotech publishes Huntington's disease animal model data for PBT2
- Targeting oxidative stress in Huntington's Disease
- Illuminating findings in blood cells from Huntington's disease patients
- EuroBuzz Video: Day 2
- EuroBuzz News: Day 3
- EuroBuzz News: Day 1
- Mapping the neighborhood: huntingtin's new protein partners
- 'Induced' stem cells make exciting advances
- What's the connection between Huntington's Disease and cancer?
- HD Therapeutics Conference 2012 Updates: Day 3
- HD Therapeutics Conference 2012 Updates: Day 1
- Special 'brain fat' injection helps HD mice
- Could mesenchymal stem cells deliver gene silencing drugs?
- New experiments clarify the role of SIRT1 in HD - or do they?
- Chinese Huntington’s Disease Network launched
- Turning down the volume with dantrolene helps HD mice
- New antibody reveals dangerous parts of huntingtin protein
- HD World Congress 2011: a retrospective
- HD just got cilia
- Oz Buzz Video: Day 2
- Oz Buzz Updates: Day 3
- Oz Buzz Updates: Day 1
- Stem cells and HD: past, present and future
- Cut-and-paste DNA: fixing mutations with 'genome editing'
- Re-routing the huntingtin protein inside cells
- Not all in your head: digestive problems in HD
- Meet the enemy: neutron ray reveals HD protein structure
- Improving Huntington's disease clinical trial recruitment through patient and family education
- Dimebon fails in late-stage human HD clinical trial
- FDA: further trial needed for Huntexil approval in HD
- Successful gene therapy trial in Parkinson’s Disease gives hope for HD
- What do sheep brains have to do with HD?
- Interview: CHDI Management
- CHDI Report: Day 3
- CHDI Report: Day 1
- Anti-nausea drug helps cells with the HD mutation stay healthy in a surprising way
- Memantine in HD: dose is everything
- Dimebon: disappointing in Alzheimer’s but might work in HD
- Focused drug screening leads to improved drugs to increase the rate of cellular recycling
- Does HD cause brains to develop differently?
- Are there genetic connections between neurodegenerative diseases?
- Two large HD observational studies – COHORT and Registry – merge to create ENROLL-HD
- TRACK-HD reveals significant changes in pre-symptomatic HD mutation carriers and patients