Terms of use

  1. HDBuzz content is not, and should not be used as, as a source of individual medical advice, or as a means of making individual medical, genetic or other decisions. You should contact an appropriate health care professional before making any such decisions. The editors-in-chief, contributors and other persons and organizations affiliated with HDBuzz cannot and will not offer individual medical or other advice and any requests for such advice will not be answered.
  2. Every effort is made to ensure that HDBuzz content is accurate, timely, reliable and unbiased. We encourage feedback concerning possible errors and will always try to correct any shortcomings, but we accept no responsibility for any errors, omissions or inaccuracies, or for any adverse consequences of any kind arising from the use of HDBuzz content.
  3. Unless stated otherwise, any links to third party websites from HDBuzz do not amount to an endorsement of that site or its content.

Privacy policy

  1. We do not store logs with IP addresses or other identifying information. We collect non-identifying information on visitors to the site and make this publicly visible on the statistics page so that anyone can see how many people we are reaching.
  2. If you sign up for our email lists, we will only use your email address to send you requested HDBuzz updates. We will never send you any other email or share your data with anyone else. If you unsubscribe from our email list, we will remove your email address from our system immediately.
  3. Finally we will not share personally identifiable information provided to us online in ways unrelated to those described above.


HDBuzz was built with the help of the following products and services:

  • Ruby on Rails - The web development framework used to create HDBuzz.
  • Freeagent - Accounting software, kindly provided free to HDBuzz.