Site questions
- What is HDBuzz?
HDBuzz is the first internet portal for the rapid dissemination of high-quality Huntington’s disease (HD) research news to the global community, written in plain language, by HD clinicians and scientists. It covers laboratory and clinical research, with the aim of helping HD people to understand the latest HD science, on their own terms.
All content is disseminated from via free syndication to other HD community websites, blogs and social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter.
- Who are you?
The editors-in-chief of HDBuzz are Dr. Rachel Harding and Dr. Sarah Hernandez, both Huntington’s disease (HD) scientists, in Canada and USA, respectively. They manage a team of writers, all HD experts in the research community and beyond, who help write, edit, and contribute content for HDBuzz.
HDBuzz was founded by Dr. Ed Wild and Dr. Jeff Carroll, both also HD scientists in the UK and USA, respectively. Both remain on the HDBuzz team as editors emeritus. You can check out the full team on the people page.
- Can I donate to HDBuzz?
Absolutely! HDBuzz is very happy to graciously accept any donations to keep our operations going through our donate button. You can learn more about where the rest of our funding comes from, what we spend money on, and how your donation can make a difference in the donation article.
- Is HDBuzz impartial?
We hope so. We go to great lengths to be impartial in our reporting:
- We don’t accept funding from any drug company or organization with a vested interest in a particular treatment or technology.
- No funding organization gets any editorial control over HDBuzz content.
- An oversight committee of independent clinicians, scientists and lay community members meets regularly to ensure our content is impartial, scientifically accurate and understandable.
- All our authors make financial disclosure statements, which they review whenever they contribute new content.
- Where can I find out about Huntington’s disease in general?
Many countries have HD Associations of their own. These are excellent places to start finding out about HD and many can offer direct support to individuals. From time to time we write Frequently Asked Questions articles covering frequently asked questions on HD. If you need individual medical advice, see your doctor.
- How can I read HDBuzz in a different language?
You can change language by clicking the globe icon in the top left hand corner of any page. HDBuzz is written in English so there may be articles available on the English language version of HDBuzz which have not yet been translated. We are working hard to translate all our content into the languages we support and to add new languages. If you would like HDBuzz to be available in your language please contact your country's HD Association to let them know you want to read HDBuzz in your language.
- Who does your translations?
HDBuzz is translated by volunteers from the worldwide network of HD Associations, the European Huntington’s Disease Network and bilingual HD scientists. We are extremely grateful for their efforts.
- Can I volunteer as a translator?
If you are fluently bilingual and have a professional involvement in HD clinical care or scientific research, please contact us.
- Who funds HDBuzz?
Please see our funding page.
- Where do you get your articles?
HDBuzz content is based largely on peer-reviewed scientific articles and work presented in the form of posters or orally at scientific conferences. Occasionally we feature interviews with prominent researchers, and from time to time we run special features on scientific topics of particular interest or excitement in the HD community. Feel free to suggest a topic for an article using the form on the news page.
- Will you publish my company’s press release?
We are unlikely to publish a press release directly, especially if its content hasn’t been published in a peer-reviewed forum or journal. We are happy to receive such communications and for you to draw our attention to specific pieces of published or in-press work.
- Can I ask you for medical advice?
No, HDBuzz and its contributors cannot and will not offer individual medical advice. We offer our content freely to the HD community but individual medical decisions should be taken in discussion with your physician. Please see our terms of use.
- Can I ask you for scientific advice?
Because of the volume of email received we cannot reply to individual scientific questions. If you would like us to write an article about something, please suggest it using the box on the news page.
- Are you hiring?
Though we are not currently hiring for specific posts, we are always happy to be contacted by enthusiastic people with an interest in communicating Huntington’s disease scientific research to the global HD community.
- I disagree with an article. Will you change it?
At all times we endeavor to ensure that all our content is accurate. If we have made a factual error, please let us know and we will correct the content. While we go to great lengths to remain impartial, interpretation of science is inevitably subjective so please do not be offended or upset if you disagree with our content. Because of the volume of emails received, we cannot enter into individual correspondence.
Science questions
- Where can I find answers to scientific questions about HD?
We produce “Frequently Asked Questions” articles in which we attempt to answer commonly asked questions relating to HD research.