Sharing and redistribution
Free to use and share
HDBuzz content is written by scientists for the global HD community. It is free to use and share. We want our content to reach as many people as possible.

HDBuzz is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
This means that anyone can take the content from HDBuzz and reuse it anywhere, as long as they mention HDBuzz and provide a link back to
Sites featuring HDBuzz content
- Huntington's Disease Association England & Wales
- Huntington Society of Canada
- Huntington's Disease Society of America
- Huntington's Disease Drug Works
- Predictive Testing for Huntington Disease
- HDA Bristol (UK)
- Scottish Huntington's Association
- Our HD Space
- Huntington's Victoria
- UCL Huntington's Disease Research
- Huntington's Disease Youth Organization
- Dementia & Neurodegenerative Disease Network
- Huntington's Disease Network of Australia (HDNA)
- 헌팅턴병 환우회
- Associação Portuguesa de Doentes de Huntington
- Fundacion Huntington de Columbia
- Agrupación Chilena de Huntington
- Huntington Onlus Association
- Associazione Italiana Corea di Huntington - Neuromed
- Huntington-Inforum
- Associação Brasil Huntington
- Lega Italiana Ricerca Huntington
- Associazione Italiana Huntington Emilia Romagna
If you'd like to use the latest HDBuzz news on your website or blog, here are your options:
- You can use the syndication javascript we provide to show lists of articles and full article text. Some sample HTML is listed at the end of this page. Simply paste it into your page to see a list of recent articles. The script is quite powerful and can be customized to show articles directly on your own site, instead of sending people to HDBuzz. For help and documentation on adding the HDBuzz feed to your site use the technical support option on our contact page.
- You can get the full text of the twenty most recent articles at
- You can sign up to receive every article by email, on our mailing list page, and add the article to your site when you receive the mail.
- You can copy content directly from the HDBuzz website.
- You can use our feeds on Facebook or X.
Feedback and support for sharing HDBuzz
If you want to tell us about how you are using HDBuzz news on your site, or need help getting our news feed on to your web pages, we’d be very happy to hear from you. To get in touch, use the technical support option on our contact page.
The HDBuzz logo
If you want to link to HDBuzz or display our logo on your literature, you can download our logo pack or use the HTML code below. If you are going to use the HDBuzz logo, please let us know using our contact page.
HTML code for linking back to HDBuzz
Click in any of the boxes to select the code then copy and paste it into your webpage source.
A simple text link | News provided by HDBuzz | |
A badge | ![]() |
A small banner | ![]() |
A large banner | ![]() |
HTML code for showing the HDBuzz feed on your site
Click the box to select the code then copy and paste it into your webpage source. It will show the five latest headlines.
Change 'count' to alter the number of articles displayed, 'lang' to change the language (or delete it to guess the user's language) and change 'jump' to false to show the article text on your page instead of taking the user to
For help and documentation on adding the HDBuzz feed to your site use the technical support option on our contact page.