Articles with the topic: drug-development

A new way of thinking about trials to prevent Huntington's disease

A new way of thinking about trials to prevent Huntington's disease

Can we test drugs to delay or prevent the onset of Huntington's disease? New research suggests it's possible

Dr Jeff CarrollOctober 27, 2017

Has a "wonder drug" for dementia been discovered? (Spoiler alert: no.)

Has a "wonder drug" for dementia been discovered? (Spoiler alert: no.)

Media reports of a wonder drug for neurodegenerative diseases like Huntington's disease are overhyped

Dr Michael FlowerMay 07, 2017

FDA approves a new drug for symptoms of Huntington's disease

FDA approves a new drug for symptoms of Huntington's disease

Deutetrabenazine becomes the first new drug in a decade licensed by the FDA for symptoms of Huntington's disease

Dr Jeff CarrollApril 05, 2017

Important advances in next generation genome editing tools for Huntington's Disease

Important advances in next generation genome editing tools for Huntington's Disease

Work with genome editing techniques (zinc fingers and CRISPR) brings these tools closer to use in HD clinical trials

Mr. Shawn MinnigOctober 31, 2016

Sorry folks, the PRIDE-HD trial did NOT show that Pridopidine slows the progression of Huntington's disease

Sorry folks, the PRIDE-HD trial did NOT show that Pridopidine slows the progression of Huntington's disease

HDBuzz helps untangle some bold claims about the just-announced results of the PRIDE-HD trial of pridopidine in HD

Dr Jeff CarrollSeptember 30, 2016

Electron beam snaps best images yet of Huntington's disease protein

Electron beam snaps best images yet of Huntington's disease protein

Electrons enable huntingtin protein, the cause of Huntington's disease, to be visualised at highest resolution ever

Tom PeskettJune 21, 2016

Huntingtin takes a trip: harmful proteins pass between brain cells

Huntingtin takes a trip: harmful proteins pass between brain cells

Harmful misfolded huntingtin can travel between brain cells via messenger particles called exosomes

Dr Leora FoxJune 06, 2016

How NOT to write a news article about a clinical trial

How NOT to write a news article about a clinical trial

A confusing story about a huntingtin lowering trial is published in the Telegraph, but cool new stuff is happening!

Dr Jeff CarrollMarch 11, 2016

A recycled drug gives us new insight in to HD

A recycled drug gives us new insight in to HD

An existing drug could give a boost to HD brain cells – but it may need more testing before it’s back in the clinic

Dr Leora FoxDecember 15, 2015