Articles with the topic: biomarkers

HD Young Adult Study defines the sweet spot: symptom-free with measurable changes

HD Young Adult Study defines the sweet spot: symptom-free with measurable changes

We know that HD-related changes can occur many years before symptom onset, but how early do those changes begin? A team of researchers set out to determine that with a new comprehensive study in pre-manifest HD young adults.

Dr Sarah HernandezMay 27, 2020

Huntington’s disease therapeutics conference 2020 - Day 2

Huntington’s disease therapeutics conference 2020 - Day 2

HDBuzz reports from the annual Huntington’s disease therapeutics conference in Palm Springs

Dr Rachel Harding, Dr Sarah Hernandez, and Joel StantonMarch 01, 2020

Huntington's disease therapeutics conference 2019 - Day 2

Huntington's disease therapeutics conference 2019 - Day 2

New tools to bridge the gap between the lab and patients in our update from day 2 of the 2019 HD Therapeutics conference

Joel Stanton and Dr Jeff CarrollFebruary 28, 2019

New collaboration seeks to speed Huntington's disease drug licensing

New collaboration seeks to speed Huntington's disease drug licensing

Critical Path Institute launches new initiative to get HD drugs licensed as quickly as possible

Dr Jeff CarrollMay 10, 2018

New study reveals a potential HD biomarker

New study reveals a potential HD biomarker

A potential HD biomarker has been uncovered in a recent clinical study

Dr Leora FoxJune 07, 2017

Huntington's Disease Therapeutics Conference 2017 - Day 2

Huntington's Disease Therapeutics Conference 2017 - Day 2

HDBuzz summarises all the science from the 2017 Huntington's Disease Therapeutics Conference in Malta - day 2

Dr Jeff CarrollApril 29, 2017

Huntington's Disease Therapeutics Conference 2016 - day 2

Huntington's Disease Therapeutics Conference 2016 - day 2

Strategies for getting rid of mutant huntingtin & clinical trial updates: day 2 of the HD therapeutics conference

Dr Jeff CarrollFebruary 28, 2016

Through a Broader Lens: Looking at Non-Motor Symptoms in HD

Through a Broader Lens: Looking at Non-Motor Symptoms in HD

Sleep deficits precede motor problems in HD

Melissa ChristiansonJanuary 25, 2016

A Few Bad Seeds: Using Brain Fluid to Grow Clumps in Brain Cells

A Few Bad Seeds: Using Brain Fluid to Grow Clumps in Brain Cells

HD brain fluid makes brain cells grow clumps.

Melissa ChristiansonSeptember 15, 2015


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