Of mice and men: using animal models to study Huntington's disease

Of mice and men: using animal models to study Huntington's disease

Animal models of Huntington's disease: what they tell us about the disease and how can they help develop new therapie

Joseph OchabaNovember 29, 2012

HDBuzz Prize runner-up 2012: Fruit flies, faulty connections and Huntington's disease

HDBuzz Prize runner-up 2012: Fruit flies, faulty connections and Huntington's disease

Recent study in fruit flies identifies a new connection between synapses and HD

Dr Tamara MaiuriNovember 16, 2012

Illuminating findings in blood cells from Huntington's disease patients

Illuminating findings in blood cells from Huntington's disease patients

Levels of the huntingtin protein can be directly measured in blood - could this be useful for gene silencing studies?

Dr Jeff CarrollNovember 06, 2012

Giving Huntington's disease the finger? Two teams report success for zinc-finger drugs in cells and mice

Giving Huntington's disease the finger? Two teams report success for zinc-finger drugs in cells and mice

Success in Huntington’s disease cells and mice for zinc finger drugs that reduce production of the harmful protein

Professor Ed WildNovember 01, 2012

HDBuzz Prize winner 2012: Deep brain stimulation for HD

HDBuzz Prize winner 2012: Deep brain stimulation for HD

HDBuzz Prizewinner 2012: Deep brain stimulation to treat uncontrollable movements called chorea in Huntington's disea

Melissa ChristiansonOctober 29, 2012

Interview: Alice and Nancy Wexler

Interview: Alice and Nancy Wexler

HDBuzz interviews Alice and Nancy Wexler, the sisters at the heart of the Hereditary Disease Foundation

Professor Ed WildOctober 20, 2012

Video: What’s new in Huntington's disease research 2012

Video: What’s new in Huntington's disease research 2012

Watch Ed Wild's address to the European Huntington's Association on how HD research works and the most promising poss

Professor Ed WildOctober 10, 2012

Shooting the messenger with single-stranded RNA gene silencing

Shooting the messenger with single-stranded RNA gene silencing

New ‘single-stranded RNA’ gene silencing drugs could be safer & more effective to treat Huntington’s disease

Dr Nayana LahiriSeptember 24, 2012

EuroBuzz Video: Day 2

EuroBuzz Video: Day 2

Watch the full video of EuroBuzz day 2 with Jeff Carroll and Ed Wild at the Euro-HD Network Meeting in Stockholm

Dr Jeff CarrollSeptember 21, 2012

EuroBuzz Video: Day 1

EuroBuzz Video: Day 1

Watch the full video of EuroBuzz day 1 with Jeff Carroll and Ed Wild at the Euro-HD Network Meeting in Stockholm

Professor Ed WildSeptember 19, 2012

EuroBuzz News: Day 3

EuroBuzz News: Day 3

EuroBuzz news: Day 3. Ed and Jeff reporting from the European Huntington’s Disease Network 2012 meeting in Stockholm

Dr Jeff CarrollSeptember 16, 2012


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