An elegant new study helps determine how much brain cells called glia matter to HD symptoms
A new population study reveals that relatively mild forms of the HD mutation are much more common than we thought
A surprising new mouse study suggests the mutant HD gene may do some of its damage during embryonic development
Electrons enable huntingtin protein, the cause of Huntington's disease, to be visualised at highest resolution ever
HDBuzz summarizes the science from an unusually large and energized @HDSA convention in Baltimore
Harmful misfolded huntingtin can travel between brain cells via messenger particles called exosomes
A genetic study confirms that minute differences in DNA repair genes can influence the age of HD symptom onset.
HD reaches more brain structures than we thought: new research broadens our understanding of the earliest signs of HD
A confusing story about a huntingtin lowering trial is published in the Telegraph, but cool new stuff is happening!
Stem cells and modeling Huntington's disease in our final Therapeutics Conference report
Strategies for getting rid of mutant huntingtin & clinical trial updates: day 2 of the HD therapeutics conference