HD brain fluid makes brain cells grow clumps.
A better tool for HD trials! New research shows innovative way to measure mutant Huntingtin outside the brain
GeM-HD identifies the first solid leads in the hunt for genetic variations that affect Huntington's disease onset
HD researchers and sheep farmers are collaborating on a brain fat called GM1, but a clinical trial is a long way off
Variety in the HD gene’s on switch affects when symptoms arise.
How will we know whether HD-lowering treatments are working? New advancements in the detection of mutant huntingtin.
New research reveals blood vessel changes that could contribute to problem in HD
A new biomarker reveals brain changes in early Huntington's disease.
Researchers use a new technique in an HD mouse to uncover a gene, Gpx6, that is protective to vulnerable neurons.
New mouse model gives insights into Huntington's disease
HD causes the normally helpful protein "ATM" to get a little overzealous. Now we can look for drugs to settle it down