European Medicines Agency (EMA) tells NeuroSearch a European license for Huntexil in HD requires another large trial
How can we improve recruitment into Huntington's disease clinical trials? Talking directly with families works!
Intermediate alleles and reduced penetrance – the genetic 'gray area' of Huntington’s disease, explained
Dimebon fails to improve symptoms in HD patients in the HORIZON trial
Bad news for Huntexil – the FDA requires another trial before it can be approved in the US
Success for brain ‘gene therapy’ in Parkinson’s disease – good news for similar treatments being developed in HD
More reasons to be active: a passive lifestyle may contribute to earlier onset of symptoms in HD.
Dimebon – disappointing results in an Alzheimer’s disease trial, but hope remains for HD.
Smaller total brain volumes in male HD mutation carriers suggests brain development may be different in HD.