Like a movie editor removing bloopers, our cells also edit their protein machines to make films worth watching. New research finds the cell’s movie editor is distracted in Huntington’s disease.
We’re proud to announce AJ Keefe as our last HDBuzz Prize winner of 2024! Our cells are an intricate choreography between various molecular dancers. Knowing who moves well with whom, and how that changes with disease, could help advance drugs for HD.
Researchers look at the cause and effect of various forms of the HTT protein. They find both expanded and unexpanded HTT contribute to brain cell communication and the brain has an amazing capacity to compensate for changes related to disease
Scientists use human fetal tissue to look at HD brain development. But what do developmental changes mean when symptoms don’t occur until decades after birth?
Another clue about the normal function of the huntingtin protein; a team of scientists has recently found that huntingtin seems to play an important role in repairing damaged nerve cells
HDBuzz reports from the annual Huntington’s disease therapeutics conference in Palm Springs
Scientists screen the ENTIRE genome to find new potential therapeutic targets for HD. This ambitious study provides a wealth of data for HD researchers
Researchers show that highly expanded CAGs in the HD gene can cause early developmental changes using 3D brain models called organoids. What’d they find?
New insights into the huntingtin protein, and further progress in turning genetic quirks that modify the course of HD into treatments, on the final day of the therapeutics conference