Cool lab experiments show the huntington's disease protein jumping between cells. Does this matter for HD patients?
Video of our first live session at the European Huntington's Disease Network Meeting.
Video of our second live session at the European Huntington's Disease Network Meeting.
Study shows HD patients have decreased levels of melatonin, which may explain why so many suffer from sleep problems
Our third and final report on the 2014 European Huntington's Disease Network meeting in Barcelona
HDBuzz reports on the second day of science at the European HD Network meeting in Barcelona
Highlights from the opening day of the 2014 European Huntington's Disease network in Barcelona, Spain
Does tau protein – which causes problems in other neurodegenerative diseases – contribute to Huntington's disease?
Some unexpected findings suggest new ways to aim at an old target in HD
The largest ever HD drug trial, testing coenzyme Q10, is halted for 'futility'. What does that mean for HD research?
Brain cells called astrocytes might play a bigger role than previously thought in Huntington's disease