Sage Therapeutics announced results from SURVEYOR, a trial that looked at cognitive changes in people with HD, and tested short-term safety of dalzanemdor. The study was small but met key goals, and additional trials are in progress.
We know that HD-related changes can occur many years before symptom onset, but how early do those changes begin? A team of researchers set out to determine that with a new comprehensive study in pre-manifest HD young adults.
HD reaches more brain structures than we thought: new research broadens our understanding of the earliest signs of HD
Sleep deficits precede motor problems in HD
Fingolimod, a drug used in multiple sclerosis, prevents memory problems in HD mice. Would it work in patients?
A new study claims that high-dose creatine "slows the onset of Huntington Disease". How much hope and how much hype?
Video from day 2 of Buzzilia: nightly news, interviews and features from the HD World Congress 2013 in Brazil
CBP, a gene-switching protein, protects memory in HD mice; 'histone deacetylase inhibitor' drug mimics its effects
How smart are sheep, and why do HD researchers care?