Huntington's disease mice absorb less nutrition from food - which might help explain why human patients lose weight.
European Medicines Agency (EMA) tells NeuroSearch a European license for Huntexil in HD requires another large trial
Positive results from tests of a new 'KMO inhibiting' drug in Huntington's disease mice
Scientists use beams of neutrons to study the structure of clumps of mutant huntingtin protein
Exosomes – tiny bubbles made by cells – could be used to get gene silencing drugs from the bloodstream into the brain
How can we improve recruitment into Huntington's disease clinical trials? Talking directly with families works!
Huntington's disease mice are fat but HD patients lose weight – is a brain area called the hypothalamus to blame?
Intermediate alleles and reduced penetrance – the genetic 'gray area' of Huntington’s disease, explained
Dimebon fails to improve symptoms in HD patients in the HORIZON trial
Bad news for Huntexil – the FDA requires another trial before it can be approved in the US
Success for brain ‘gene therapy’ in Parkinson’s disease – good news for similar treatments being developed in HD