We know that HD-related changes can occur many years before symptom onset, but how early do those changes begin? A team of researchers set out to determine that with a new comprehensive study in pre-manifest HD young adults.
COVID-19 update: what does it mean for HD families, how does it impact HD research, and how has it changed the way science works?
HDBuzz reports from the annual Huntington’s disease therapeutics conference in Palm Springs
Researchers show that highly expanded CAGs in the HD gene can cause early developmental changes using 3D brain models called organoids. What’d they find?
HDSA's frequently asked questions factsheet about the huntingtin-lowering trial ASO program was so good we stole it (with permission)
Finally, a big study that shows what childhood HD looks like. This will help us work out if new drugs work in children too
As promised, HDBuzz's Jeff Carroll finally signed up for the Enroll-HD study. Learn more about this important global HD "observational study" here.
Deutetrabenazine becomes the first new drug in a decade licensed by the FDA for symptoms of Huntington's disease
HDBuzz helps untangle some bold claims about the just-announced results of the PRIDE-HD trial of pridopidine in HD