Study shows HD patients have decreased levels of melatonin, which may explain why so many suffer from sleep problems
Is there a link between consuming dairy food and earlier onset in people with the Huntington's disease mutation?
New observations suggest that the brains of HD mutation carriers consume energy differently. Do we care? (Yes!)
Does an ‘intermediate’ CAG repeat count in the Huntington’s disease gene cause brain changes?
Final results from the TRACK-HD study show very specific changes in HD. We're ready for trials: bring on the drugs!
Is access to predictive genetic testing for Huntington's disease a problem? A UBC study says it is.
Levels of the huntingtin protein can be directly measured in blood - could this be useful for gene silencing studies?
A new brain scanning technique reveals high sodium levels in HD brains. How might this help clinical trials?
HD patients are less likely to get cancer, according to a study from Sweden - what does this mean?