Articles with the topic: drug-development

Raptor announces results of cysteamine trial for Huntington's disease

Raptor announces results of cysteamine trial for Huntington's disease

Raptor Pharmaceuticals announces intermediate results from a long-term study of cysteamine in Huntington's disease

Dr Jeff CarrollApril 10, 2014

Huntington's Disease Therapeutics Conference 2014: day 1

Huntington's Disease Therapeutics Conference 2014: day 1

HDBuzz reports from the opening day of science sessions at the 2014 HD Therapeutics Conference in Palm Springs.

Professor Ed WildFebruary 26, 2014

Prana announces results of Reach2HD trial of PBT2 for Huntington's disease

Prana announces results of Reach2HD trial of PBT2 for Huntington's disease

Results are in for a clinical trial testing the drug PBT2 for HD. Are the claims in the announcement justified?

Dr Jeff CarrollFebruary 20, 2014

Does high-dose creatine "slow the onset" of Huntington's Disease?

Does high-dose creatine "slow the onset" of Huntington's Disease?

A new study claims that high-dose creatine "slows the onset of Huntington Disease". How much hope and how much hype?

Dr Jeff CarrollFebruary 11, 2014

Could a 'brain shuttle' get Huntington's disease drugs to where they're needed?

Could a 'brain shuttle' get Huntington's disease drugs to where they're needed?

Roche's 'brain shuttle' sneaks drugs past the blood-brain barrier. Could it work for HD gene silencing drugs?

Dr Jeff CarrollJanuary 20, 2014

Is a new Huntington’s Disease drug study on the right Trk?

Is a new Huntington’s Disease drug study on the right Trk?

A recent HD animal study reveals that a small molecule drug could be an effective “Trk” to target for HD therapeutics

Joseph OchabaJanuary 02, 2014

New study sheds light on regional degeneration in HD

New study sheds light on regional degeneration in HD

Why do certain brain cells die in HD? New research suggests is may be due to the efficiency of cellular recycling

Dr Kurt JensenNovember 12, 2013

What the 'big neurodegeneration breakthrough' means for Huntington's disease

What the 'big neurodegeneration breakthrough' means for Huntington's disease

Are recent findings in mice injected with 'prions' as important for Huntington's disease as widely reported?

Eric MinikelOctober 15, 2013

Targeting oxidative stress in Huntington's Disease

Targeting oxidative stress in Huntington's Disease

Damage to cells caused by oxidative stress is part of HD - could a new targeted drug help reduce this problem?

Dr Jeff CarrollDecember 03, 2012