Articles with the topic: drug-development

Uncovering the dark side of DNA repair to design HD treatments

Uncovering the dark side of DNA repair to design HD treatments

A gene called MSH3 helps to repair our DNA, but in HD it can slip up and cause CAG repeats to lengthen. Researchers have uncovered new information about how MSH3 activity is controlled, opening the door to new therapeutic avenues.

Emma BuntingDecember 22, 2020

Huntington Study Group (HSG) 2020 Annual Conference: HD in Focus - Day 1

Huntington Study Group (HSG) 2020 Annual Conference: HD in Focus - Day 1

Read our breakdown of some of the talks and presentations at day 1 of the Huntington Study Group (HSG) 2020 annual conference: HD in focus

Dr Rachel HardingOctober 30, 2020

Treatment for neurological disorder could be repurposed for Huntington’s disease patients

Treatment for neurological disorder could be repurposed for Huntington’s disease patients

While developing a drug called branaplam for patients with SMA, the pharmaceutical company Novartis discovered that it could hold promise for people with HD. The FDA has granted a special status called Orphan Drug Designation.

Dr Rachel HardingOctober 22, 2020

Sad news from the SIGNAL study: pepinemab does not influence HD symptoms

Sad news from the SIGNAL study: pepinemab does not influence HD symptoms

The SIGNAL study did not meet its key clinical goals for #HuntingtonsDisease to slow or improve HD symptoms, but the results are still informative for the HD community and other fields.

Dr Jeff CarrollSeptember 23, 2020

When genes are unstable: targeting somatic instability in HD

When genes are unstable: targeting somatic instability in HD

CAG repeats expand in some parts of the body and brain as people with HD get older, a phenomenon known as somatic instability. Learn more about how researchers are exploring somatic instability and DNA repair to design therapies for HD.

Dr Rachel Harding and Dr Leora FoxSeptember 08, 2020

HD Young Adult Study defines the sweet spot: symptom-free with measurable changes

HD Young Adult Study defines the sweet spot: symptom-free with measurable changes

We know that HD-related changes can occur many years before symptom onset, but how early do those changes begin? A team of researchers set out to determine that with a new comprehensive study in pre-manifest HD young adults.

Dr Sarah HernandezMay 27, 2020

What does COVID-19 mean for Huntington’s disease families and HD research?

What does COVID-19 mean for Huntington’s disease families and HD research?

COVID-19 update: what does it mean for HD families, how does it impact HD research, and how has it changed the way science works?

Dr Sarah Hernandez and Professor Ed WildApril 06, 2020

New molecule can reverse the Huntington's disease mutation in lab models

New molecule can reverse the Huntington's disease mutation in lab models

A collaborative team of scientists from Canada and Japan have identified a small molecule which can change the CAG-repeat length in different lab models of Huntington's disease. #HuntingtonsDisease #DrugDiscovery

Dr Michael FlowerApril 06, 2020

Huntington’s disease therapeutics conference 2020 - Day 1

Huntington’s disease therapeutics conference 2020 - Day 1

HDBuzz reports from the annual Huntington’s disease therapeutics conference in Palm Springs

Dr Rachel Harding, Dr Sarah Hernandez, and Joel StantonMarch 12, 2020